Ghassan Jabbour is a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Engineered Advanced materials and Devices and Professor of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ottawa (110 papers; h-index 47). He spent nearly 14 years as Director/Founding Director of large research centres in the area of printed and flexible photonic and electronic devices. He is the editor of several books and symposia proceedings (13) involving photonics, electronics, nanotechnology, and combinatorial approaches to device and materials optimization. He has numerous awards including Best Poster Award (2) from the National Academy of Engineering/Engineering Academy of Japan/Japan Science and Technology Agency 2006 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium; Distinguished Professor of Finland Award from the Academy of Finland, and the Hariri Foundation Excellence Award, to mention a few. He is an SPIE Fellow and an EOS Fellow for his achievements in flexible and printed photonics and electronics.
Prof. Jabbour group’s achievements have been highlighted in numerous international journals, magazines and newspapers, including Nature, Nature Photonics, Science, Advanced Materials (cover), Nanoscale (cover), Angewandte Chemie (cover) MIT Technology Review, MRS Bulletin, Chemical and Engineering News, USA Today, PC Magazine, LA Times, Boston Globe, Wired, Financial Times London, to mention a few. Moreover, the USA National Science Foundation (NSF) website on "Technological Challenges for Flexible, Light-weight, Low-cost Scalable Electronics and Photonics," features many of Prof. Jabbour’s results.
Keywords: Printed Smart Paper and Packaging, Printed Energy, Solid State Lighting and Displays, Printing of Functional Nanoparticles, Intelligent Textile and Wearables.
School of Electrical Engineering
800 King Edward Ave.
STE 5090
Ottawa, ON
Canada, K1N 6N5
613 562-5800 ext. 7224