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Hany Aziz

Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo

Hany Aziz

Hany Aziz is a Full Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor department with cross-appointments in the Chemical Engineering department. He is Associate Director of Waterloo’s Nanotechnology Engineering program. He is also Associate Director of the Giga-to-Nanoelectronics Centre. He previously held the appointment of NSERC- DALSA Research Chair in organic electronics. Before joining University of Waterloo (2007), he had been a Research Scientist at Xerox Research Centre of Canada for 8 years, where he was involved in conducting and leading research in organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) and photoreceptor imaging devices.

Professor Aziz’s group conducts research in the interdisciplinary area of organic electronics and optoelectronics including both electroluminescent (such as Organic Light-Emitting Devices or OLEDs and quantum dot LEDs ) and light harvesting (such as organic photovoltaics and optical sensing) materials and devices.

Professor Aziz’s research contributions are widely cited in the organic electronics community, and have resulted in over 130 peer-reviewed publications to date. He has several inventions including the industry’s benchmark long-life and thermally-stable OLED and the contrast enhancing Black Cathode™ Technology. He holds 51 U.S. Patents.

Keywords: Organic Electronics, Printable Electronics, Semiconductors, Nanofabrication, Renewable Energy, Sensing/Imaging

University of Waterloo
Electrical & Computer
200 University Ave West
Waterloo, ON
Canada N2L 3G1
519 888-4567 ext.36848