Ye Tao is the leader of the Organic Materials and Devices team at NRC’s Advanced Electronics and Photonics Research Centre, and the leader of the Functional Devices Thrust of NRC’s Printable Electronics Flagship Program. Dr. Tao research interest has been in the areas of organic semiconductor materials and devices, material structure-property relationship, charge transport and recombination behavior, surface and interface physics and chemistry. His current research focus is on printable/flexible/wearable electronic devices and circuits, smart surfaces, detectors, sensors, and the development of low costs manufacturing processes. Dr. Tao has published over 150 scientific papers in peer refereed journals with an h-index of 51, and holds over 25+ US and international patents
Keywords: Semiconducting Materials and Devices, Printable, Flexible, and Wearable Electronics; Energy Harvesting Devices, Power Autonomous Sensor Systems.
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